Individual Therapy - Finding a path to living your authentic life.


We all face problems in life.  Problems are normal.  But sometimes, it goes beyond the everyday and you find yourselves walking around feeling out of sync with your own life.  This feeling of disconnection may be overwhelming, or it may be just a gentle tug at the back of your mind. But either way, it robs you of your ability to fully enjoy the life you have today.

You want to feel happier and more connected to the people in your life, but somehow the opportunities for happiness just seem to slip through your fingers.  No matter how hard you try to change, you always seem to end up right back where you started. As a result, instead of feeling joyful, you feel frustrated and alone.

It’s especially frustrating when, from the outside, everything looks like you “should be happy.” You may have a good job, people in your life, and a loving relationship. But no matter how “successful” you are, you still carry a nagging feeling of:

  • Loneliness

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Doubt

  • Shame and guilt

  • Lack of meaning

If this sounds familiar, it may be time to try individual therapy. 

The Impact of Trauma

Many people have experienced trauma during their lives. This is more common than you may think. Sometimes trauma comes when you’re a child, and sometimes later in life. And often, your memories of the experience are so uncomfortable that you deny the trauma. “It wasn’t that bad”, “Other people had it much worse”, “I need to be grateful and get off the pity pot”.

But for many people, no matter how they try, the echoes of their past trauma continue to show up in their lives today. These echos might include:

  • Difficulty trusting

  • Fear of intimacy

  • Anxiety and/or a heightened state of vigilance

  • Difficulty setting boundaries or limits with others or setting overly rigid limits

  • Holding others too close - or pushing them away

  • The sense of being disconnected from your feelings

When these echoes show up, it’s only natural if the first impulse is to push down hard on these feelings. But no matter how hard you try, the feelings don’t go away, and they just keep popping up. Individual therapy is a good way to work through those echoes of your past and find a way to a life that is not encumbered by past trauma.

One-on-One Therapy

Individual Therapy is a commitment to yourself.  It’s a promise to take the time and effort to focus on how you really feel and find out what’s important to you. It’s about discovering a path to work toward the person you want to be and the life you want to live.  

  • Your first session with me will usually be a free 30-minute consultation.

    This is an open discussion in which you can ask any questions and in which you can get a sense of what it would like to work with me.

    At the same time, I get a chance to get to know you better, understand what's brought you to therapy, and get a sense of your goals for therapy.

    And then, together, we work out whether I'm a good fit for you. If I'm not, then I'll usually be able to refer you to another therapist that I know and trust.

  • The therapy session is 50 minutes long. I usually meet with clients once a week.

    For some clients, therapy is focused on working on one specific issue and the therapy may be very short term.

    For other clients we're working on a wide range of issues, and we may work together for a year or more.

  • My fee is $210 for each 50-minute session. I do not take insurance, but I can provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance provider. Depending on your plan, my fee may be eligible for your out-of-network benefits.

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